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New forums feature: Auto Closure for aged Discussions

We've heard from you that resurfacing older discussions sharing outdated information about Amazon selling practices can cause confusion and lead to misinformation on the Seller Forums.

In response, we are pleased to introduce auto-closure for aged discussions. Threads that have not had any new replies within the previous 30 days will be automatically closed. Actions such as voting or flagging posts are not factored into the 30 day auto-closure time frame.

You can identify a closed thread by the lock icon in the upper right-hand corner next to the discussion title.


We also heard the following feedback from quite a few sellers:

“Not being able to upvote or downvote posts in a locked thread, or interact in any way at all, basically kills the whole thing. Who knows what to consider as good once a thread is closed if no one can vote. You can't even flag the post.”

Seller forums participants will now be able to continue voting and flagging within a thread after a discussion has been closed out.

You will receive a yellow pop-up message (shown below) when you attempt to take any other actions on a closed thread (i.e. attempting to reply to a thread).


If you see a discussion you believe should be closed (or moderated) sooner than 30 days, please flag the post for moderation or tag a Community Manager within the thread explaining why the discussion should be closed out.

These updates should be live within the next 24 to 48 hours. For more information about the Seller Forums feel free to review our Seller Forums FAQs, Community Guidelines and the latest release notes.

55 visualizaciones
4 respuestas
Etiquetas:Tú lo pediste, nosotros lo hicimos
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New forums feature: Auto Closure for aged Discussions

We've heard from you that resurfacing older discussions sharing outdated information about Amazon selling practices can cause confusion and lead to misinformation on the Seller Forums.

In response, we are pleased to introduce auto-closure for aged discussions. Threads that have not had any new replies within the previous 30 days will be automatically closed. Actions such as voting or flagging posts are not factored into the 30 day auto-closure time frame.

You can identify a closed thread by the lock icon in the upper right-hand corner next to the discussion title.


We also heard the following feedback from quite a few sellers:

“Not being able to upvote or downvote posts in a locked thread, or interact in any way at all, basically kills the whole thing. Who knows what to consider as good once a thread is closed if no one can vote. You can't even flag the post.”

Seller forums participants will now be able to continue voting and flagging within a thread after a discussion has been closed out.

You will receive a yellow pop-up message (shown below) when you attempt to take any other actions on a closed thread (i.e. attempting to reply to a thread).


If you see a discussion you believe should be closed (or moderated) sooner than 30 days, please flag the post for moderation or tag a Community Manager within the thread explaining why the discussion should be closed out.

These updates should be live within the next 24 to 48 hours. For more information about the Seller Forums feel free to review our Seller Forums FAQs, Community Guidelines and the latest release notes.

Etiquetas:Tú lo pediste, nosotros lo hicimos
55 visualizaciones
4 respuestas
4 respuestas
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En respuesta a la publicación de Cooper_Amazon

closing threads early is stupid and not helpful. just an unecessary layer of control from amazon

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New forums feature: Auto Closure for aged Discussions

We've heard from you that resurfacing older discussions sharing outdated information about Amazon selling practices can cause confusion and lead to misinformation on the Seller Forums.

In response, we are pleased to introduce auto-closure for aged discussions. Threads that have not had any new replies within the previous 30 days will be automatically closed. Actions such as voting or flagging posts are not factored into the 30 day auto-closure time frame.

You can identify a closed thread by the lock icon in the upper right-hand corner next to the discussion title.


We also heard the following feedback from quite a few sellers:

“Not being able to upvote or downvote posts in a locked thread, or interact in any way at all, basically kills the whole thing. Who knows what to consider as good once a thread is closed if no one can vote. You can't even flag the post.”

Seller forums participants will now be able to continue voting and flagging within a thread after a discussion has been closed out.

You will receive a yellow pop-up message (shown below) when you attempt to take any other actions on a closed thread (i.e. attempting to reply to a thread).


If you see a discussion you believe should be closed (or moderated) sooner than 30 days, please flag the post for moderation or tag a Community Manager within the thread explaining why the discussion should be closed out.

These updates should be live within the next 24 to 48 hours. For more information about the Seller Forums feel free to review our Seller Forums FAQs, Community Guidelines and the latest release notes.

55 visualizaciones
4 respuestas
Etiquetas:Tú lo pediste, nosotros lo hicimos
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New forums feature: Auto Closure for aged Discussions

We've heard from you that resurfacing older discussions sharing outdated information about Amazon selling practices can cause confusion and lead to misinformation on the Seller Forums.

In response, we are pleased to introduce auto-closure for aged discussions. Threads that have not had any new replies within the previous 30 days will be automatically closed. Actions such as voting or flagging posts are not factored into the 30 day auto-closure time frame.

You can identify a closed thread by the lock icon in the upper right-hand corner next to the discussion title.


We also heard the following feedback from quite a few sellers:

“Not being able to upvote or downvote posts in a locked thread, or interact in any way at all, basically kills the whole thing. Who knows what to consider as good once a thread is closed if no one can vote. You can't even flag the post.”

Seller forums participants will now be able to continue voting and flagging within a thread after a discussion has been closed out.

You will receive a yellow pop-up message (shown below) when you attempt to take any other actions on a closed thread (i.e. attempting to reply to a thread).


If you see a discussion you believe should be closed (or moderated) sooner than 30 days, please flag the post for moderation or tag a Community Manager within the thread explaining why the discussion should be closed out.

These updates should be live within the next 24 to 48 hours. For more information about the Seller Forums feel free to review our Seller Forums FAQs, Community Guidelines and the latest release notes.

Etiquetas:Tú lo pediste, nosotros lo hicimos
55 visualizaciones
4 respuestas
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New forums feature: Auto Closure for aged Discussions

por parte de Cooper_Amazon

We've heard from you that resurfacing older discussions sharing outdated information about Amazon selling practices can cause confusion and lead to misinformation on the Seller Forums.

In response, we are pleased to introduce auto-closure for aged discussions. Threads that have not had any new replies within the previous 30 days will be automatically closed. Actions such as voting or flagging posts are not factored into the 30 day auto-closure time frame.

You can identify a closed thread by the lock icon in the upper right-hand corner next to the discussion title.


We also heard the following feedback from quite a few sellers:

“Not being able to upvote or downvote posts in a locked thread, or interact in any way at all, basically kills the whole thing. Who knows what to consider as good once a thread is closed if no one can vote. You can't even flag the post.”

Seller forums participants will now be able to continue voting and flagging within a thread after a discussion has been closed out.

You will receive a yellow pop-up message (shown below) when you attempt to take any other actions on a closed thread (i.e. attempting to reply to a thread).


If you see a discussion you believe should be closed (or moderated) sooner than 30 days, please flag the post for moderation or tag a Community Manager within the thread explaining why the discussion should be closed out.

These updates should be live within the next 24 to 48 hours. For more information about the Seller Forums feel free to review our Seller Forums FAQs, Community Guidelines and the latest release notes.

Etiquetas:Tú lo pediste, nosotros lo hicimos
55 visualizaciones
4 respuestas
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En respuesta a la publicación de Cooper_Amazon

closing threads early is stupid and not helpful. just an unecessary layer of control from amazon

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En respuesta a la publicación de Cooper_Amazon

closing threads early is stupid and not helpful. just an unecessary layer of control from amazon

user profile
En respuesta a la publicación de Cooper_Amazon

closing threads early is stupid and not helpful. just an unecessary layer of control from amazon

Sigue esta conversación para recibir notificaciones cuando haya nueva actividad